EUROVIP: Valuing volunteering commitment
EuroVIP "European Volunteer Inclusion Program" is a European project led by a consortium of 5 partners from different Member States. The project aims to promote the professional integration and employability of young people aged 17-30 through the recognition of their skills developed during volunteering experiences.
EuroVIP aims to facilitate access to the labor market for young people through the enhancement of knowledge acquired in formal, non-formal and informal environments. The project also intends to strengthen the capacity of organisations and companies welcoming volunteers to recognise and develop their skills.
Main steps
The project will develop a "Portfolio for Volunteering experiences" (adaptation of the existing tool "ProfilPass") to present the careers and skills of young people and thus foster the recognition and enhancement of their informal skills.
Furthemore, EuroVIP will develop a Handbook on volunteering for companies as well as a European best practices handbook in supporting young volunteers to sustainable employment.
All of these tools will be presented at national workshops in the 5 partner countries, bringing together organisations and companies employing volunteers. They will then be disseminated on a larger scale in all countries of the European Union.
The project is financed by the ERASMUS+ Youth Programme of the European Union and implemented by 5 partner organisations:
- Fondation Agir Contre l'Exclusion FACE, project coordinator (France)
- European think & do tank POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ – PLS (Belgium)
- Federatia VOLUM (Romania)
- Volunteering matters (United Kingdom)
- Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft (Germany)
EuroVIP in short
- Portfolio for volunteering experiences - based on ProfilPass (french version)
- National seminars with companies - UK, FR, RO, DE, March - May 2017
- Handbook for companies on voluntary missions, February 2018
- European best practices handbook on the support to young volunteers towards sustainable employment, April 2018
- Evaluation report, April 2018
- Final European conference - Brussels, 26 April 2018 (EESC, Rue Van Maerlant 2, VMA3, 1000 Bruxelles)